Treating White Spots on The Face for A Clear, Uniform Skin Tone
The problem of facial spots and pigmentation is one of the most famous skin problems in the world. We find some women suffer from red spots in the places of acne, and others are bothered by brown spots of melasma, and others suffer from white spots on the face.
White spots affect the psyche of women more than other types of facial pigmentation, due to the belief of many people that these spots are contagious, in contrast to the fact that most of these spots are not transmitted by contact.
In this articles we discuss the types of white spots and understand how to treat white spots on the face, so keep tuned…
Causes of White Spots
There are many causes for the appearance of white spots on the face, including:
- Facial Infections
Inflammation affects the efficiency of melanin-producing cells, so it is possible that you will notice the appearance of white spots in the places of inflammation after their recovery.
These spots need simple treatment and disappear overtime after the melanin-producing cells restore their efficiency.
- Vitiligo
Vitiligo appears as a result of an immune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the melanin-producing cells, and accordingly, pigment-free spots appear that are whiter compared to the surrounding skin.
Despite the belief of many people that vitiligo is a contagious disease, it is not transmitted to others or infecting them in any way. It is an immune disease that is not transmitted by contact or daily interaction.
- Colorful Tinea
Tinea spots appear due to infection of the skin with the fungus tinea, and the spots may appear darker than the surrounding skin or slightly lighter in the form of white spots.
These spots need antifungal treatment after careful examination by a dermatologist.
- Malnutrition
Dietary habits control the functions of all cells of the body, and the impact of poor nutrition on healthy skin is clearly visible.
An unhealthy diet lacks vitamins and minerals important for skin health and integrity, and accordingly, vitamin deficiency affects the production of melanin from skin cells.
The lack of vitamin A (available in fresh colored vegetables) is one of the most important reasons for the appearance of white spots on the face in a condition known as Pitiríase versicolor.
The efficiency of the work of melanocytes in the epidermis is also affected by vitamin C deficiency, vitamin B complex deficiency, and iron deficiency in the case of anemia.
Treatment of White Spots on The Face
The treatment of white spots on the face varies according to the main cause of the spots, but generally, these tips are useful in preventing spots and improving the results of the medicines prescribed by the doctor.
- Pay attention to eating healthy food rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex.
- Attention to drink water in sufficient quantities throughout the day to maintain the vitality of the cells that produce melanin pigment.
- Avoid direct exposure to the sun without applying sunscreen, to avoid the effect of sunlight on the pigmented skin cells.
- Consult a doctor about the correct way to deal with white spots to treat them properly, instead of trying recipes that may harm your skin and delay the treatment of these spots.
- Paying attention to the skincare routine that nourishes the skin cells and regulates the secretion of melanin pigments, such as the natural products that contain the best natural nutrients that nourish the skin, and rely on advanced formulations that penetrate the skin easily to moisturize the skin and restore its youth and vitality.
In conclusion, remember that the most important step in treating white spots on the face is to determine the cause of these spots through a medical examination, and to choose skin care products carefully; to be of high quality and does not harm skin cells.
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