How pH balance could save your skin ?
We all know that the road to achieving clear, healthy skin is based on a myriad of internal and external causes –From adapting a healthy diet to applying suitable products. However, there will be times that you do it all right, yet your skin doesn’t respond as expected, or even worse, it would show negative results. We’re talking about surprising acne, dryness, redness, and skin infections.
Have you ever asked yourself why does this happen? we know you did. and we got you the answer.
There’s an invisible factor that could tip the scales from you having your best skin to one where you’re hopelessly battling irritation, dryness, blemishes, and redness and turn it into the clear bright skin you have always dreamed of– the pH level of your skin.
What is skin pH?
pH stands for potential hydrogen and determines a substance’s acidity level.
Every organic substance in the world has potential hydrogen, from what you eat to what you wear on your face. You’re not an exception here.
This is why scientists have put a scale ranges from 1 to 14. The lower numbers are considered highly acidic (think citrus fruits and vinegar), the highest numbers are alkaline (your soaps and detergents), and the neutral point is the pH of 7.
What is the ideal pH of the skin?
Naturally, balanced skin has a pH range from 5_7. This means your skin is Acidic by nature. Yet, every day your skin is under attack from the outside world. Whether it was pollution, temperature change, or even getting in contact with household detergents such as chlorine and soap (which are alkaline). Everything your skin touches messes with its acidity, making the Acid Mantle erode.
What is the Acid Mantle?
Short answer: it is what protects your skin and whole body from getting infected.
Skin in general is multitasking and plays multiple major roles in our overall health.The most important role among all is that it is regarded as a protective barrier between your skin and the outer world. By building a protective layer covering the whole skin, this layer is called the Acid Mantle.
It's a coat that acts on preventing bacterial growth, and preserving a perfect acid environment that allows skin flora to grow. This is why skin pH is one of the main protection mechanisms.
What happens if your skin becomes imbalanced?
Your Acid Mantle will get eroded.
If your skin becomes too alkaline: it won’t be able to produce its natural sebum due to imbalance. You will then suffer a dry wrinkled skin. This will also make the acid mantle erode, making your skin vulnerable to bacterial acne and sensitivity.
If it became extremely acidic: your skin will get confused and lose its natural oils. Then again, you will suffer dehydration, redness, and acne.
This is why it is crucial to maintain balanced skin. To achieve that you shall know what meddles its balance in the first place.
What makes your skin imbalanced?
Anything and everything touches your skin. Even tap water. According to a study published at the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, tap water could affect your skin acidity that could last for six hours.
During these six hours, your skin will be vulnerable to environmental pollutants and bacteria that will damage it.
1- chemicals and toxins
whether it was household detergents such as chlorine, or dishwasher soap, laundry, soaps, or fresh airs. they all have alkaline nature that would negatively affect your skin.
2- hormonal changes
3- imbalanced skincare products
Do you know that the majority of body care products are not pH balanced? shampoos, shower gels, harsh cleansers, and antibacterials all have strong alkalinity that usually causes harm to your skin than benefits.
How to save your skin from erosion?
Whether your skin was damaged, overly dry, oily, or suffers acne. It is important to know that balancing your skin is responsible for 50% of the treatment. This is why we put together some simple tips that would help you achieve clear balanced skin.
1- use gentle cleansers with low acidity
Generally speaking; when using a facial cleanser make sure it has a low acidity level with pH from 5_7.
A strong alkaline cleanser will make your skin prone to redness. a high acidity cleanser will make your skin lose its natural oils and dry it.
2- Use facial toners
Toner's main function is to re-balance the skin and to neutralize any alkaline effect resulting from using soap and detergents. The best skin toner has a pH ranging from 5-7.
3- Use natural oils and moisturizer.
As we grow old, the skin's natural oil production tends to decrease, which has a major impact on the Acid Mantle and its ability to protect the skin. Include moisturizing creams and natural oils in your skincare routine to maintain healthy skin. such as jojoba oil, coconut oil, argan oil, and olive oil.
Don’t forget that the best moisturizers have a skin pH ranging from 5-7.
4- Use products rich in antioxidants
Antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C, and E are vital in maintaining the Acid Mantle of the skin.
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